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Trauma Treatment with CRM

The Comprehensive Resource Model®, Trauma - Treatment

  • 1 h 15 min
  • 50 ευρώ
  • Online Meetings in Zoom or Skype/Viber/WhatsApp/FaceTime

Service Description

The Comprehensive Resource Model® (CRM) is a neuro-biologically based, affect-focused trauma treatment model which facilitates targeting of traumatic experiences by bridging the most primitive aspects of the person and their brain (midbrain/brainstem), to their purest, healthiest parts of the self. This bridge catalyzes the mind and body to access all forms of emotional trauma and stress by utilizing layers of internal resources such as attachment neurobiology, breathwork skills, somatic resources, our connection to the natural world, toning and sacred geometry, and one’s relationship with self, our intuition, and higher consciousness. The sequencing and combination of these resources, and the eye positions that anchor them, provide the opportunity for unbearable emotions and pain to be stepped into and felt fully while the client is fully present and aware moment to moment which changes how the memories affect the person. More info about CRM here: An Initial Consultation is a prerequisite for CRM sessions.

Contact Details

+ 30 2610273337

Παντανάσσης 56, #1ος Όροφος, Πάτρα, 26221

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